[Dazuko-devel] PATCH 3/3 in unclaim_event() remove item from working list before putting it back on todo list
Lino Sanfilippo
2010-11-02 11:43:54 UTC
This patch removes the event from the "working list" before it is put
back on the "todo list" in unclaim_event().
After the event has been put back to the todo list also the poll queue
is woken up to notify callers of poll() that the event is readable (again).

GeschÀftsfÌhrender Gesellschafter: Tjark Auerbach
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Tettnang
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Ulm, HRB 630992
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(AGB). Sie finden sie in der jeweils gÃŒltigen Fassung
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